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Monday, June 19, 2006
So the question comes to mind, do I only use this blog for the funny, entertaining stories? Frankly, a whole lot more goes on in my life than these musings. Although I did glance back at Zach in the back seat today to find him scratching his nose with his big toe. Better than picking it I guess. I have been going through a slow transformation ever since I became pregnant. I knew I had to quit my over-committing --> crash-and-burning, manic-depressive tendencies. And almost like magic, I did. Like a light switch, I became more centered, less chaotic. And it stuck after Zach was born. Contrast to what most people told me, life actually got easier after I had Zach (if you discount the actual birthing process...) Finding that center started me on a journey of self-discovery. My mind quiet enough for the first time to see what was going on and how I was affecting the world and people around me. Since then, a lot has changed based on what I learned. I'm not the same person I was, and I hope to be turning into the person I want to be. Long story short, I have compiled a list of guiding principles. Any time I wonder what I should do, any time I become stressed, any time I am afraid, the answer has always boiled down to one of these things: * go with your instinct * do the right thing * relax * be honest with yourself * be positive * find your passion, then never let it go * take care of every moment The trick to its success, is having the courage to do them...
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