
Saturday, April 16, 2005
One thing at a time
Needless to say my life has changed in the last 6 weeks (Zach will be 6 weeks tomorrow). With someone so dependent on us, I've learned to lower my expectations. Not about Zach of course! but about what I can get done.

I'm a multi-tasker from way back. It's natural for me to think 5 steps ahead so I can do things in the most efficient manner, many times out of sequence. That's fine if you're not interrupt driven...well...

My to-do list used to be long. Now I never have more than 2 to-dos on the list at any time. I might have a 3rd or 4th on the back burners of my brain, but they're not on the list. Up through yesterday it was:

1. Taxes
2. Baby announcements

Now it's:

1. Baby announcements
2. Family financial plan

This gets mingled in with house chores, bottle washing, Heather washing and the like. Even then, I set out to do one thing in the house until it's done. Sometimes it takes 2 days to finish the dishes...but hey...they get done.

I find my new system rewarding. I tend to finish more of what I start and I don't feel stressed or rushed (although submitting our tax return at the 11th hour did not give a warm fuzzy). Maybe I'm on to something. Maybe it will all fall apart when I try to rejoin the band? Maybe it will turn to chaos when I return to work? Hard to say.

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