
Friday, November 28, 2003
Only one month left - pretty soon I'll have to change the name of my blog to something else.

Ahhhh Thanksgiving. I quote Halloween as being my favorite holiday, but Thanksgiving is really right up there. It's all about food + family. Hard to go wrong. And after years and years of the tradition, you grow to look forward to it, and find comfort in having the same foods every year because you don't get them many times outside the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday season. Being in Germany right before the holiday, several Germans asked about the holiday since they don't have an equivalent (it's all about the pilgrims). Seems a couple of them had been in the U.S. during the holiday and were invited to houses to celebrate - I think it really comes across as a nice holiday.

My family has other traditions as well. From a little girl, I longed to be included in the pinochle games with the family. I'd sit and watch, then I was old enough to help keep score, then finally to start playing, usually with a parent leaning over my shoulder to help me. Ever since then, it's been integrated into my Easter/Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays. I have more memories than I can count or distinguish any more, playing with my parents, my grandmother, and my great aunt and uncle. And I'd hear story after story about my other great uncle, that would bid without looking at his cards - and still win! I think I only once shared in a game with him when he came to our house from Missouri for Christmas, and it was, unique. :) No one played quite like him.

Last night was no exception to the tradition - we played pinochle. I partnered with J.T., and Dad played with Grandma. Overall, uninteresting hands. Last time we played, Mom and I kicked serious bootie, getting huge hand after huge hand. Of the 12 or so hands played last night, only 2 were worth noting (and, of course, both were mine...) Despite that, we lost.

I also handed out the gifts from Germany (not so traditional) - schnapps, chocolate, crystal bracelet, crystal Christmas tree topper. Sadly, the bierkruge are still lost somewhere in Frankfurt (grrrr!). And I bought myself...a big crystal that sits in my belly button. One clear, and one light blue. It's adhesive, not pierced (Grandma was relieved!) I'll be ultra-cool at the next band gig. :) I also got myself a bierkrug. Can't wait to see it again.... *sigh*

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