
Friday, November 28, 2003
So an American, an Englishman, and a Swabian (southern German region) are in a bar together drinking beer. A fly lands in each of their beers. The Englishman says, "Waiter, please bring me another beer." The American plucks the fly out, tosses it, and continues to drink his beer. The Swabian carefully props the fly up on the side of the beer glass and says, "Spit it out!"

"Liabr da Maga verrenkt, als em Wirt ebbes gschenkt."

Or, "Rather a stomach pain than leaving food on the table."

I constantly left food on the table - I would make a bad Swabian. My German friend said if I didn't eat all my food, it would rain the next day. Based on my intake, I expected constant, torrential rain, but alas - I must have caused rain elsewhere in the world because the weather, while cold, was more than bearable, and I understand warmer than usual.

A brief introduction to Swabian dialect

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