
Friday, July 04, 2003
It's that time of year to celebrate - apparently our 227th birthday as a nation. Pretty young compared to many. Why is this holiday always celebrated with fireworks? The "rocket's red glare" perhaps? We did our part to watch the neighborhood fireworks. I've lived here 3 years now and never saw them before. We scrambled after dinner to walk to the park and managed to catch the finale up close. They're pretty wimpy from any distance, but closer, with all the noise (boom!), much more impressive. Made me remember all those years spent growing up watching fireworks shows. I helped my mom work the city's rodeo for many many years, and all five nights there were fireworks. That was our cue to close up the gate. So why don't I work it any more? Well, there was a sort of changing of the guard. I'd rather do my own thing now instead of having drunk cowboys hit on me as they came through the gate. Lucky for the football team was always standing close by selling their programs. :) But many memories workin' the gate with Mom!

The latest tradition is to go to a friend's for a *big* BBQ at a totally gorgeous house, big pool, horseshoes, volleyball - but alas, they had it early and I was in Chicago. :( First one I've missed...

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