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Friday, January 10, 2003
We started a new game this week with our friends (Eric, Misty, Wayne, Chris-my guitarist, Dan and my Jason). For two years (or more?) Jason hosted a D&D game set in the greyhawk world. It's a dedicated group and we played regularly once a week. At some point we took a break (whew!) and Wayne wrote a game module - we play tested it - he did a pretty darn good job. That took about 3 months. Then it was holidays, blah blah blah. Now that everyone is rested and eager, Eric has decided to GM a different game. This time it's Wheel of Time (based on d20 system). Silly me volunteered to be the magic user since I haven't done that type of character yet. Naturally it's the hardest to play and central to the plot. Oops. Didn't know that at the time. I'm not much of a party leader so should be interesting (or not interesting...). But so far I know that I have a little brother (Chris) and an undefined romatic relationship with some dude that has decided to be my bodyguard (Jason). Lots of potenial here for role playing. ;) Wheel of Time game book My current book: "V" (remember the mini-series?)
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