
Tuesday, January 07, 2003
So last Thursday, Jason and I took my grandma to a play of "Cinderella". Actually it was a musical. And actually, the step mother and step sisters were played by men - making them extra ugly... It was a nice night overall, but what made it memorable was the not the performances. In the final scene of the play, the entire cast is on the stage singing "la la la we live happily ever after" - and Cinderella and her Prince Charming are in their wedding costumes, because that's how they live happily ever after. And front-center stage, without warning, Cinderella turns to Prince Charming, and vomits all over him - then makes a quick exit stage right. Boy were they professionals because even Prince Charming pretended nothing happened. After the show, Grandma thought it was all part of the act. When we told her no way, she responded, "wow, she really spewed!".

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